United Fly Tyers of Rhode Island, Inc.
Basic Fly Tying Techniques
Hand Position and Thread Control
Also notice how close the bobbin is to the hook. "There should never be more than one inch between the end of the bobbin tune and the hook shank" (Advanced Fly Tying).
This is a good video for the Woolly Bugger. But there are lots of variations. Here's a new one, which I recommend. Here's one for a different recipe. You may have to sign up for Midcurrent, which will send you new information every week.
Nymph Proportions
Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear
T = Thorax = 1/3 Hook length
A= Abdomen = 2/3 Hook length
G= Gape or Hook Size
Tail =Tail Length = 1/3 to 3/4 T + A
Rib = Same number of segments as natural
Soft Hackle Flies
Caddis Flies
And here's an easy floating caddis made with cdc and no hackle: