The United Fly Tyers of Rhode Island, Inc. is an educational organization dedicated to teaching fresh and salt water fly tying. Monthly meetings are held at 6:30 pm on the first Wednesday of the month, from September through May at the Knights of Columbus in Warwick. We have tables for beginner, intermediate, and sometimes advanced fly tyers. Materials and tools are provided for everyone who has paid the membership dues of $35 a year. Anyone interested in joining the Club may use them for one meeting before paying the yearly dues.
In December, UFTRI has a Christmas event with food, fun, raffles, etc
The UFTRI Mission Statement
Dedicated to teaching and learning about fresh and saltwater flies: how to tie them, their history and their uses near and far.
The UFTRI Vision Statement
To be the preeminent continuous fly tying resource in
Southern New England
The UFTRI has fly tying demonstrations and teaching tables at the annual Bear’s Den Fly Fishing Expo in Taunton, MA and the Rhode Island Saltwater Fishing Show at the Providence Convention Center.