United Fly Tyers of Rhode Island, Inc.
This Month's Flies
January 2025
Hook: Mustad R74 size 8 Bead: Tungsten Gold Bead size 5/32 Thread: Red UNI-Thread size 6/0 Tail: Red Krystal Flash Wing: Bill's Bodi Braid in gold, pearl, or silver Body: Bill's Bodi Braid or Mylar
Note: Please bring a toothbrush to separate Bodi Braid fibers and forceps, or pliers, to bend back the hook barb
Mike's Fly: Modified Goldie
Joe's Fly: Lefty's Deceiver
John's Fly: Various Fresh Water Flies
Hook: Mustad c70sd size 2
Thread: UTC 210 chartreuse
Tail: white saddle hackle
Pearl Krystal flash and flashaboo
Body: pearl or silver bodi braid
Wing: white and chartreuse buck tail
Hook: Eagle Claw 254, size 2-3/0
Thread: Yellow 6/0 UNI thread unwaxed
Tail: white bucktail, white saddle hackle, pearl krystal flash, light yellow bucktail
Body: silver bodi braid
Wing: light yellow bucktail, fluorescent yellow bucktail, bright yellow bucktail, silver krystal flash
Topping: red calf tail
Throat: white bucktail
Eyes: silver prismatic
head cement to coat eyes