Executive Officers
President Jeff Perry 401-741-0598
Vice President Russ Ahlgren 401-743-5553
Secretary Cyndi Chrostek 401-871-2332
Treasurer Ann Gallagher 401-458-8063
Directors at Large
Roger Lima ........................ 401-353-2578 Education Director
Mike Saccoccio .................... 401-486-2911
Peter Burgess ...................... 401- 566-6278
Maggie Grenier……………… 401-692-1216
Ron Marafioti .....................… 571-643-1452
Greg Houde ...........................401-952-9766
Gus Pagel........................... 401-316-3140 Photographer
If you'd like pictures from a club meeting, please contact Gus.
Cyndi Chrostek.......................401-871-2332 Website Manager
If you have any pictures or videos that you'd like to share with the group, please send them to Cyndi at dragonlady50@hotmail.com