United Fly Tyers of Rhode Island, Inc.

Humpy & Royal Humpy

Tied by: John O'Meara


Hook: 1XL dry fly hook
Thread: Color of body
Tail: Moose body hair
Body: Deer hair or elk hair
Wing: Same clump of deer or elk hair as body
Hackle: Brown and Grizzly

Royal Humpy
Hook: 1XL dry fly hook
Thread: Color of body
Tail: Moose body hair
Wings: White calf tail, or kip
Body: Same calf tail as the wing, plus a clump of deer or elk hair
Hackle: Brown

As on any dry fly, proportions are extremely important on these two flies.  What makes the Royal Humpy royal is the white wings, (more for visibility than looks). 

The Royal Humpy is probably a little easier to tie because we do one thing at a time, the tail, then the wing, then the hump.  In the case of the regular Humpy, the hair taken for the body hump also serves as the wing, and its measurement is extremely critical to a good looking fly. 
