United Fly Tyers of Rhode Island, Inc.


​Created by Marla Blair
Tied by Dick Pearce

Hook:  Tiemco 2487 14 - 20
Thread:  Red
Head:  White foam
Body:  Fine Blue-winged olive dubbing
Rib:  Red thread

1. Wrap hook with red thread.

2. Tie on the white foam to create the gas bubble or wing casing. Start at the middle of the hook and wind forward toward the eye, tie it down, bring it back towards the middle and tie it off. 

3. Start at the eye and dub sparsely with BWO dubbing and figure-eight around the foam. From below the foam, wrap back down the curve of the hook, 

3. Then come back up the length of the hook with the thread only--to create the rib.

4. Tie off and add head cement.
