United Fly Tyers of Rhode Island, Inc.
October 18t Directors Meeting
On September 20th the Directors decided to ask if any members would like a rod building class for the cost of an instructor and materials.
We will also pass out a questionnaire asking members to list any skills, trades, professions, or subjects they can teach that members might find helpful. You may also fill out the skills questionnaire now.
The Christmas Banquet will be March 5th, 6:30 PM--featuring Adam Franceschini, head guide for Housatonic River Outfitters, with a presentation on “Hatches of the Housatonic.” During the banquet we are raffling a TFO BVK rod, reel and rod tube, your choice of either a freshwater or saltwater outfit.
Beginners Table
Starting this month the Beginners Table will include Juniors as well as senior members. Juniors must be accompanied by a parent and come with a completed application. Please email our Secretery, Maggie Grenier if you plan to attend.
The program at the Aspray Boathouse is discontinued.
Swap or Sell Table
Bring any equipment you'd like to swap or sell, along with a note containing its value and your name.
November 7th, 2012 Newsletter